Lists of Abbreviations

Bible Versions

A list of standard abbreviations for Bible versions in multiple languages is available at

Canonical Books

For biblical books, Tyndale encourages the use of the abbreviations in The SBL Handbook of Style (2nd ed.) reproduced in the chart below rather than the abbreviations in Turabian §24.6. If students use the Turabian abbreviations, they should consistently follow one format (traditional or shorter) and not mix the two. 

Old Testament Books

New Testament Books

Deuterocanonical, OT Apocrypha, and Septuagint

Other Ancient Works

Lists of standardized titles and abbreviations for many commonly cited ancient works can be found in The SBL Handbook of Style (2nd ed.) §8.3.3-17, the SBL Style blog, and The Oxford Classical Dictionary.  Students may use either standardized English or Latin (or Greek transliterated) titles/abbreviations, but they must do so consistently for all non-biblical ancient sources.

U.S. State Abbreviations